When purchasing products and services from JUICY.FO, it is your responsibility to fully read the terms and services section. By reading and accepting these terms, you are further bound by such terms. No exceptions will be made for you.

General Terms And Conditions
Pertinent Information Regarding Your Privacy

The majority of credit card processors want a bank-issued card that is associated with important personal data, such as your name, address, SSN, DOB, and other details that threaten your privacy and anonymity. If you consider this to be important, you should pay with cryptocurrencies and use a secure email service like Gmail. No temporary emails shall be used as an acceptable method of delivery for any items acquired from JUICY.FO in order to protect the interests of all parties involved in the aforementioned transaction(s). You must have access to the email address you registered. JUICY.FO and all parties within waives all liability regarding email accessibility or compatibility from products purchased.

Expectations and Proper Conduct